Looking toward the future of an increasingly digital centric world.
Several years ago, we began offering an online PDF reader parallel with our print edition that was delivered to some 200 physical locations. While somewhat helpful, it was not enough. So, we have now introduced Briefings, a periodic (at least monthly) email newsletter. In addition, our publishing masthead is now The Midtown Press to recognize the reality that our scope for many years has been the greater Pine Hills area, which includes surrounding communities.
Moreover, the print edition, of which this is the first, will also be accompanied by a digital counterpart for all the folks who prefer the electronic medium over the paper medium. Combined, our total distribution will be more than 8,000 households, businesses and institutions.
Finally, we have taken on a partner to collaborate with us in this renewed venture. Glen Providence is working with us to augment our skill sets, but also to help expand the scope and depth of coverage. We look forward to introducing him in person just as soon as that is possible. Thank you for your continuing support of the only dedicated communications medium for the greater Pine Hills area.
-Noel & Bertina Busch