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Orange County Rental Assistance Still Available

Glen Providence

While we remain hopeful about seeing a decline in COVID-19 cases, many people still continue to be impacted by the effects of the pandemic. Because of this, the Orange County Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) remains an active tool in assisting those struggling financially during the pandemic.

The program is an income-based initiative aimed at helping Orange County’s most vulnerable tenants. ERAP provides financial assistance to those who are past due in rent as a result of financial hardships caused by the pandemic.

Tenants must apply for eligibility by going to the Rental Assistance webpage and filling out an application. Landlords must also apply and waive their right to evict so that tenants can make payments with monies received from the program. To find out more about the Orange County Emergency Rental Assistance Program, including eligibility requirements and what is required to complete the application correctly, visit the website.

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