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Glen Providence


Pine Hills Community Council President, Patricia Rumph set up a Zoom and Facebook live virtual gathering of people to celebrate the Council’s annual NNO commitment with local law enforcement partners. Held outside at the Pine Hills Pizza Hut on Silver Star Road and North Pine Hills Road intersection, Patricia booted up her laptop and welcomed members on-line, also introducing them to several in-person attendees.

With lights flashing and sirens sounding, an assembly of OCSO motorcycles, cars. vans and even a fire truck from across the street joined in a parade through the center. Sheriff Mina and deputies greeted those gathered and spoke directly to people who zoomed and joined facebook live for the virtual event, thanking them and expressing the Sheriff’s Office gratitude for our strong community partnership. He reiterated the importance of If you see something, say somethng. and stressed the importance of keeping everyone safe.

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