In February 2021, community advocate Maira Gomez Vega spoke up and saw a need. Ms. Vega petitioned the Orange County Parks and Recreation Division for an updated skate park for Barnett Park. She submitted evidence to show that the park was dilapidated and outdated by today’s skateboarding standards and was far less appealing than the other skate parks that Orange County had to offer. The project was immediately approved, and the $160,000 complete renovation of the skate park was underway within three months of the petition. The COVID-19 pandemic threw a wrench and slowed the progress; however, work on the project never stopped. Finally, on Saturday, April 8, 2023, the community came together to celebrate the grand reopening and ribbon cutting of the new skate park. Ms. Vega received a special invitation from Orange County Mayor Jerry L. Demings and District 6 Commissioner Mike Scott to participate in the ribbon-cutting event. A special thank you to District 3 Commissioner Mayra Uribe for attending the ceremony as well.
Ms. Vega states it was an honor to work with Matt Suedmeyer, Manager Parks and Recreation Division, and Assistant Manager Kyle Kent, who worked countless hours to ensure that the skate park was up to par with the needs of local skaters, even working with a pro skater and input from local skaters.