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Glen Providence

Halloween Safety Tips

As Halloween approaches and families begin picking out costumes and preparing for an evening of spooky fun, safety experts are urging parents and children to take extra precautions this Halloween to ensure a safe and enjoyable night of trick-or-treating. While the nigh is all about costumes, candy, and haunted houses, it’s essential to stay vigilant about safety, especially with so many children roaming neighborhoods after dark.  In Orlando, we already have higher rates of pedestrian incidents so we encourage parents to be even more vigilant on Halloween  night.

Police always recommend wearing bright or reflective costumes to increase visibility in the dark. Costumes should also be flame-resistant and allow for easy movement. When using makeup or masks, make sure they don’t obstruct vision.

Parents are encouraged to accompany younger children and use flashlights or glow sticks to light their path. Trick-or-treaters should stick to well-lit areas and cross streets at designated crosswalks. Drivers are advised to be especially cautious in neighborhoods, as children may dart out unexpectedly.

It's a night for everyone to enjoy, but a little caution goes a long way in preventing accidents.  Authorities also remind parents to check all treats for tampering before allowing children to enjoy them.

While Halloween is a time for fun and fright, a little extra caution can ensure that everyone enjoys a safe holiday. Parents and children alike should be aware of their surroundings, follow basic safety rules, and take time to check costumes and treats.

With these precautions in mind, the only thing parents should have to worry about is how much candy their kids will eat!

Have a Safe and Spooky Halloween!

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